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I enjoyed the sight of his soft velvety lips move up and down on my hair cock. I quickly began feeling a tension that I was accustomed to. I knew I was about to blow, but I wasn’t completely satisfied yet, so I pulled his mouth off my head and said.“I don’t wanna cum yet. I want you to fuck me first. I want you to bang me hard”“I don’t know if we should go any further than this. Your parents trust me” He answered regretfully“I’m sure that they would want you to do anything to please me, don’t you think?” I asked“Would this make you happy? Would me fucking you put a smile on your face?” he asked “Yea, it would. Having you make love to me would make me the happiest person in the world” I replied“Ok, fine, I’ll do it. But I want you to tell me if I’m hurting you alright? I mean if you can’t take any more. I don't wanna push you too far. Lets just take it easy ok?” he said“No worries, I want all of you inside my ass. All of you” I answered backHe didn’t say anything else. Instead, he. What is your name?"He considers it for a moment, and the fear raises back up as he responds, "I remember it started with a J- but beyond that, nothing." We were afraid of that, but not all that surprised. Anything you can tell us?"He looks around- eventually leading to downward to which he responds with a bit of a chuckle, "Nothing really, just that I'm pretty sure that last time I looked down I didn't have washboard abs and this monster of a dick." Yeah, that kind of just happened. You don't remember anything else?" the female voice asks."Not a thing. I remember how to speak this language, what it's called, my vocabulary. . .but nothing else." Damn, better explain then. We're thinking that about 80 years ago there was. . .a war, if you can call it that. As far as we can tell it only lasted a couple hours, but in those couple hours we say the nations of the world unleash nuclear, biological, chemical, mimetic, and quantum weapons. The human race went from about 10 billion to about.
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